>> Friday, March 4, 2011


We are once again priviledged to be invited for another wedding exhibition but this time, it is held at the Mines International Exhibition Convention Centre this weekend, from 4th to 6th March 2011.

And thus once again, the rush begins; but always with blessings from above, we made it ..... ablbeit not exactly for actual opening time.....

Anyhow , we humbly present to you................... Do drop by when you are free.

Japanese Peony and Spider Orchids

>> Saturday, January 15, 2011

FINALLY, the call came...... 'Kak Ainee, kelas saya hujung minggu ada cancellation; akak nak join tak?' .

I flipped; FINALLY...... a chance to attend Shahril's class....

I cancelled a previous engagement and said 'yes' .

The day came..... I was excited and also nervous.... Excited coz' I have always wanted a chance to learn from the best sugar artist for flowers (KL) and nervous coz' the LAST time I really sat dow and made flowers (other than a rose ) was more than ten years ago... Warned Shahril that I would be one of the slowest....

Anyhow after 2 days of kneading, rolling and frilling  and lots more, my peony 'grew' from petal to petal.... my spider orchid took shape; my frangipani twisted in place.... and the leaves cut, shaped and dusted....

Here are my humble offerings ...... sorry no individual/progress pictures of the orchid, capers and frangipani... simply forgot as I was in a great rush to catch up with the others.

Here's the team... thanks ladies.. I sure had lots of fun learning with all of you. Next session with Shahri, don't forget to count me in...

Here is the final bouquet (minus the frangipani -- no time to include)........

And here's how I later presented it on a cake ... at the wedding exhibition......

Comments please....

Weddng Carnival 2011

This time, the call came from another friend... Yana..... with her kind offer to share her booth at the wedding carnival/exhibition at Shah Alam.  "Yana will do the chocolates and akak buat lah wedding cakes" ... Yes .... No.... then Don't know...... finally yes again.

And as usual, could only squeeze in the preparations only within the same week.... That means we could only start on making the dummy cakes on Monday.... Friday was the exhbition..... and so ... very little sleep again..... same old story eh?????

Ladies....and Gentlemen :

We humbly present the Hometeam and the cakes :-

The cake stand looks beautiful right ?....... it stayed in the box for 4 years... bought it at a exhibition from a French company.... (satu sen tak nak kurang.... mahal gila but NICE right??)

A note to add --- recieve confirmed orders at the fair already .... Alhamdullilah.....

And last but not least; a word of thanks and gratitude to Yana and Chaq for giving us the opportunity to join them at the fair and the support they gave all this while.

ICCA Cake Competition

>> Monday, November 1, 2010

For those who did not manage to view the exhibits; what a waste.. I have downloaded some of the pictures here for all to share..... pls go to the photo gallery page. Congratulations to my new found friend, Shahril for his most deserving win.

I did join the competition at the persistance of my supportive husband..

His design was an engineering feat in itself....

He wanted me to do floating collars ... yes floating... that means two or more collars supported only by extension work...... challenging indeed but it was very tempting for me to live up to his challenge... and so I agreed to his design...

BUT I forgot all about the date of the competition and made a committment to take up a teaching position  -- I agreed to start on the 20th September.....

Again Vivian from ICCA called me and reminded me about the competition.... she had even helped me to register for the competition.... BLESS you girl...

When I heard that the date was on the 1st of October ; I screamed.... I had less than 2 weeks and the design Mr Hubby was talking about was still in his head....

I went back to the school management and asked if I could join them two weeks later... the answer was no.... they had been waiting for me for more than a month already.... and so the battle begins...

Daytime teaching and night time preparing the competition cake.....

One consolation.... I did not enter the competition to win... just for the stress, sleepless nights, the frustrations, the worries.... all these are invaluable experiences. Believe you me, you got to try it to understand what I mean...

I am one person who is aware of my limitations.... what am I compared to the big guns like Shahril, Man Kwan, Kelvin Chua, Mama Min........ but I did it for two people.... HUBBY and ME....

And so the burning of the midnight oil started..... every night, we would make collars after collars of royal icing - they were big ones ---- 16" by 16" ..... then the embroidery pieces.....

My 2 sons received lessons on the spot; literally overnight they learnt how to make and knead fondant and royal icing ......

But rushed as we did, the collars did not have time to dry..... to cut a long story short, the big collars all broke --- all 6 of them. And so the bottom tiers had no collars .... we had to think of a new design fast  and that was already 3 o'clock in the morning... our minds went blank....

The smaller ones --- with the big piped lace work ... were fine.

I started 'floating' them at six o'clock the same morning of the competion..... as I was piping the extension work; I noticed one string that was not so straight..... I broke it with a pincer and as my luck would have it, it fell under the lace piece.. Against my hubby's advice, I did the UNTHINKABLE... I manouvered a pair of pincers under the lace and attempted to pick up the broken piece of royal icing..; got it in mo pincer but as
 I was pulling it from under the collar, my wrist knocked against the collar and a cracking sound was heard.... and thus the sinking of the lace collar piece began.... I deserved the stern glare I got from Mr HUBBY.... I felt like crying but it would have been no use... and there was not enough time for me to start 'floating' another collar.

And thus, my cake turned out very different from what we had planned.... but as I said... an invaluable lesson learnt indeed.... Eddie Spence and Rosalind (ICCA) -- 2 of the judges-- gave many pointers on how I could have improved my cake and Eddie shared on how I can guarantee my royal icing collars would not break.... those advice was worth each drop of sweat and stress we went through to get the cake done.....

Please feel free to comment and provide pointers.....

My sincere apologies

>> Monday, October 18, 2010

Assalamu'alaikum to all my muslim friends and a very good hello to everyone else.
First of all ............I am SOOOOOO SORRY..... for having 'vanished' from the blog world since July.

One project after another... challenges after challenges...... struggles while trying to catch the rainbow..... time flies and suddenly I realized that I have abandoned my blogspot for the past few months..... Once again .. my apologies and my sincere thanks to those who have remain loyal and sometimes send me a gentle reminder.... 'No new post?'..... a gentle reminder but a good wake up call..... Anyway..... we at The Weddingcake Boutique are BACK.... and boy do I have lots and lots to share....... so please bear with me..... I will upload story by story.....

Demo Session with Eddie Spence

This year I could not afford to attend the handson session with Debbie Brown and Eddie Spence.

However, Vivian from ICCA (the organisers) was so kind to have told me about the demo session Eddie Spence was conducting and so I went....

I did not regret a minute of it altho it took precious minutes and hours from me as I desperately needed those minutes and hours  to try and complete my cake for the ICCA competition.... thats another story in itself...

For those who have never heard about Eddie Spence... here's a short intro:-

He started at the age of 14 as an apprentice; he was not allowed to do any deco direct on any cake for TWO years --- all these apprentices do is to practice and practice on the side... and if their decorations are good enough; then they are chosen to be placed on the actual cakes .... and so he had to hundreds and hundreds of royal icing birds, figurines, collars......... BEFORE he was allowed to touch a cake..... I wonder how many of us have the patience to tolerate that.....I have heard of some people who are brave enough to conduct a class of their own just after a week or two of them attending the very same class......

Anyway, he started teaching at the age of 23 ... and today guess how old our good friend is ?...... A good ripe golden age of 78 !!!!! mind you.... so he has had more than 50 years of experience..... WHO can beat that?

At his age, he puts almost of al to shame  ... Why? you may ask....

First he is 78...... most of us are at least 2/3 his age.....

Second, his hands are shaking all the time....   even when he is holding the piping bag BUT the minute he starts piping, the line he pipes is a lot more straight than any of us.... he pipes a bird in less than 1 minute, a picture of a girl holding a basket of flowers with chubby cheeks (yes the cheeks are chubby) in less than 5 .....
All those in the picture below was done in less than 15 minutes.......


Let me share with you something very useful  from Eddie --- for royal icing work.

--  Do not use fresh egg whites; if possible separate the yolk from the white one day before you need to make
     the icing; and leave it at room temperature for one day; in our weather, we need to keep it covered with a
     piece of clingwrap and refridgerate -- this will stabilize the white .

--  For extension work, add about 5 drops of lemon juice  or vinegar to your icing sugar... to strengthen the icing.

--  Its VERY important for you to remove as much air as possible before you use your roya icing.
     Paddle it against the side of your bowl or even on the table before you use it to coat your cake or to put it in
     your piping bag.  This is very important when you do pipe with royal icing.

All in all, we went away feeling very happy but very worried about our cake..... even managed to have a chat with Robert and Bev ; owners of Squire Kitchen and took a photo with Debbie Brown.

A time well spent indeed.

Masterpieces  by  the  Master  himself.




Sharing Session and the Hantaran Project

>> Monday, July 5, 2010

Last week, a good old friend offered to have a sharing session for us to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences with regards to the pillow bags and range of handbag cakes and shoes. The best part is she and another friend were willing to travel to KL. I immediately jumped at the suggestion and the day was set for a Wednesday.

But on the day she confirmed that she had booked the bus tickets, another new friend called to say that she would like to give me the pleasure of making the cakes as well as the bridal gifts (hantaran) for her daughter's engagement on the Friday of the same week.  This was NO ordinary invitation (for reasons I cannot reveal here); it was a great privilege for me to recieve this order and yet it was also daunting at the same time. The expectations and standards were high.

                                                             Arm of the Samurai Sifu

As usual, I said 'yes' then panicked . This is because in theory I had only one day to do a total of 9 different of  'gifts'. But that seems to be the trend with my orders.... Thus the mission began.... and the challenges.....

On Tuesday night, after whipping up 6 batches of the butter cake needed for the sharing session, the electrical sockets in the kitchen suddenly played up on me... all the equipment in the kitchen could not be used as the electrical system was tripping all the time.... Tried as we may, changing the fuse in the plug; changing the plugs itself, even the electrical sockets in the living room tripped on us.... At last, desperate and frustrated, I make the omnious decision to carry the oven to the shop to bake the cakes and that was at 1.30 in the morning. My poor children and hubby kindly obliged and accompanied me to the shop. We ended up baking till dawn-- 5 a.m.

At nine Wednesday morning, picked up my friends and went to the Bake With Yen and bought all that we needed. Official sharing session started after lunch until 1.30 in the morning... But boy did the three of us had fun... We kneaded and kneaded the fondant (after a while, my adopted brother was roped in to help the ladies with the kneading), carved the cakes into pillows -- a story in itself (husband was roped in for this part), had a brainstorming session on how to create different effects of the dented look on the pillows... After lots of trials and errors, the three of us sat back and laughed--- coz the tools were all staring in our faces and we had been imagining and cracking our heads how this and that effect was created..... Soon the pillow cakes were on their way. The youngest of  us (not me) was designated to complete the cake.

The 2 'older' ones proceeded with the handbag cakes.... to cut a long story very very short.... we ended up with a completed clutch bag, a crocodile skin Prada Bag (with no handles yet), one shoe and a mini mini bag.....

And because all the projects were carved from actual cakes and not from polystyrene foam, we decided to give away the white clutch together with a scarf to the bride (whose mother ordered the hantaran gifts) as a surprise gift.

My friends left on Thurday afternoon with loads of stuff... some are left with me for delivery later.... happy and satisfied at the achievements made.... Thank you .....

Then my REAL nightmare began.... by the time I got back (just my luck,the whole of KL was jammed with traffic that day), it was already five..... the baking of cakes and the kneading of fondant continues throughout the night till the next morning.... I literally fell asleep while cutting the ribbons and worst still, while beating chocolate into the cheese cake batter (needless to say, some batter ended up on my apron en route to the floor) -- my hands were moving but my eyes were closed.... woke up to a loud exclaimation of 'MAMA!!!!!!!!!'.....

Thanks to the Grace of God, the pick up time was postphoned a few times that day...... HE was just giving me more time to complete my task.... at 4 Friday afternoon, EVERYTHING was actually completed......

 I must also covey my thanks to Nomie who had graciously agreed to do the Lapis Sarawak Cakes for this project... poor Nomie... she must gotten my panic bug coz when she delivered the cakes; she was short of one... She panicked when I reminded her there was another one...... finally she 'negotiated' for a slightly less complicated design and I agreed.... My eternal thanks to Nomie for having delivered her promises.

When we presented this cake to the bride, she went 'Oh My GOD!!!!! Its so BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thank you... Thank you so much...' Later that evening, my friend called, "Ainee.... FANTASTIC!!! Thank You Very Much'

Those words ALWAYS make my day and was it worth the sleepless nights.... YES.... Thank you Yong and Nana.

Cupcakes & Minicakes

>> Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This post is long overdue....

I had the pleasure of making the above minicakes and cupcakes below for a special lady called Syikah.
She is the representative for her office and was ordering this for 3 people. The birthday boy ordered Ultraman cupcakes, one birthday girl ordered princess cupcakes and the other girl ordered minicakes for her girlfriend.

Feedback? All the recipients were over the heels with their birthday presents..

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